I was so relieved that the situation was not as serious as I had imagined. Narrate an experience when you became the laughing stock of your friends, with the following ending. Give it a suitable title. (Mortgage, lawyer).
Narrating an experience
Narrating an experience related to the given beginning/end
......... I was so relieved that the situation was not as I had imagined.
Answer :
Just for Fun !
It was the first April and I was late for school. In my hurry, I hadn't realized the significance of the date. My teacher looked at me sternly as I entered the class, but didn't say anything. I knew that she was angry with me because of what had happened the previous day in class. Teacher had gone out of class for a while Shubha had pinched me, just for fun. I retaliated by tickling her. She started laughing loudly and begged me to stop. Just then the teacher walked in and gave both us a good piece of her mind. She even threatened to report us to the headmaster.
During the lunch break. The head girl of the class came up yo me and she said, " Sumita, the headmaster wants to see you in the office right away."
I was panic-stricken. Would he ask me to call for my parents? would he suspend me from school? I was terrified.
Trembling with fear, I went to the office and knocked.
"Come in," I heard the sharp voice of the headmaster.
I walked in diffidently. "Yes, Sir," I said, my voice shaking nervously, "You called for me."
"You are Sumita, aren't you?" I nodded my head. "No, I didn't call you. Whoever gave you that idea?"
"but...but... Aarti, the head girl told me..."
"Child," his voice rose in anger, "Don't you know that today is April fool's day? You've been made of. I have god mind to call in Aarti and tell her to keep her April fool jokes out of my office."
"Sorry, Sir," I said and walked out, embarrassed and angry, All my friends were waiting down the hall and laughing uproariously. "April Fool, April Fool," they Shouted. For a while, I was angry, but then suddenly I saw the humour of the situation was not as serious as I had Imagined.
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