
Showing posts from January, 2022

Action speak louder than words, Expansion of a maxim, Expand the theme, Expand the maxim 'Actions speak louder than words' in about 80-100 words.

Expand the theme Expand the maxim Question :  Expand the maxim 'Actions speak louder than words' in about 80-100 words.  Answer :  Actions speak louder than the words               All of us are born preachers. but when it comes to practicing what we preach, we find excuses. Just telling someone what to do or how to behave is not enough, Behaving in the in the that one wants others to behave has a more powerful effects. Telling others to behave has a more powerful effect. Telling others what to do and not doing it oneself is absolute hypocrisy.              Children are keen observers. They quickly observe the gulf between the speech of adults and their actual behaviour, between their words and deeds, between their preaching and the practice. They are influenced more by the actions of their elders than by their words. They imitate their actions and inculcate their habits.      ...

Cut your coat according to your cloth, Expansion of proverb, Expand the theme, expand the proverb in 2-3 paragraphs.

Expand the theme  Expand of a proverb Question :  Expand the given paragraph in 2-3 paragraphs.  Answer : Cut your coat according to your cloth             If you give a piece of cloth to a tailor to make a coat, the tailor will first measure the cloth and then decide what kind of coat has to be made out of it. He will not be able to make a coat that requires more material than the cloth provided. the same is the cloth provided. The same is the case with our income and expenditure. Our expenses should always be within the limits of your income. otherwise, we are sure to land in debt and difficulties. The proverb thus tells us not to spend more than what we earn, i.e. to live within our means.             This proverb applies not only in individuals but also to business establishments. Of course, a company may raise a loan to expand or diversify its business. But it must do so judiciously; otherwise it can even ba...

I was so relieved that the situation was not as serious as I had imagined. Narrate an experience when you became the laughing stock of your friends, with the following ending. Give it a suitable title. (Mortgage, lawyer).

Narrating an experience Narrating an experience related to the given beginning/end Question:  Narrate an experience when you became the laughing stock of your friend, with the following ending. Given it a suitable title.                  ......... I was so relieved that the situation was not as I had imagined.  Answer :  Just for Fun !          It was the first April and I was late for school. In my hurry, I hadn't realized the significance of the date. My teacher looked at me sternly as I entered the class, but didn't say anything. I knew that she was angry with me because of what had happened the previous day in class. Teacher had gone out of class for a while Shubha had pinched me, just for fun. I retaliated by tickling her. She started laughing loudly and begged me to stop. Just then the teacher walked in and gave both us a good piece of her mind. She even  threatened to report us to the headma...

Once in the court of Emperor Akbar... Develop a story with the beginning

Develop a story Developing a story with the given beginning or end Question : Develop a story with the following beginning : once in the court of Emperor Akbar...  Answer : Artificial or Natural ?           Once in the court of Emperor Akbar, When all the countries, including Birbal, were present, Akbar posed a challenge before them. He had two flowers in his hand. Both were similar in every way. Akbar announced that one of the flower was real and the other was artificial. He asked the countries were puzzled at Birbal's action. Then suddenly from the court garden a bee buzzed in through one of the windows. It flew about here and there for some time. Finally it came to one of the flower and settled upon it.            "That, Jahanpanah," said Birbal, "is the real flower. The other one is artificial."           As usual, Birbal ingenuity. He praised Birbal for his understanding of the ways of nature and f...

You are Karan/Kirti Shirke staying at B/12, Sai Sadan, Sita Bardi, M.G. Road, Nagpur. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper requesting him/her to spread awareness among the readers about the side effects of junk food.

Model Letter  Formal letter  Question :  You are Karan/Kirti Shirke staying at B/12, Sai Sadan, Sita Bardi, M.G. Road, Nagpur. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper requesting him/her to spread awareness among the readers about the side effects of junk food.  Answer:   Karan Shirke  B/12 Sai Sadan  Sita Bardi M.G. Road Nagpur-440 012 2 January, 2020 The editor 'Hindustan times' Subject : The ill-effects of fast food  Sir, I recentely read on a site that fast food is not at all good for health. The site gave details of its ill effects. Food like frozen dinner, canned and packaged meats, and bakery items contains ingrediants that makes people obese and prone to illnesses like diabetes, hypertension. these foods are high in preservatives, calories, nitrates, fat, sugar and salt. hence, they should be avoided.  However, fast foods are becoming very popular among the youth. the ads in elctronic and print media too encourage such f...